How are you doing?
I know that times right now are hard. We’ve been in survival mode for 2 years now and we are all tired and burning out. Sometimes it might even feel like all hope is lost, but we just keep pushing through and moving forward. Our mental health is still very important, and I want to take the time to talk with you about what you are doing for you! It’s really easy to focus on everyone around you and making sure that they are okay and have everything that they need, but do you ever stop and look after you? Or look after what you need? January 26th is Bell Let’s Talk Day. Let’s normalize mental health and bring it into the forefront of our daily lives.
Stress can affect you both emotionally and physically and no two people respond to the same stressful event in the same way, and that’s okay. It’s important to recognize signs of stress and to learn how to cope with them in a healthy way. There are different things that you can do to help look after yourself in these stressful times. The pandemic is scary and for some, it is a driving force for their stress, here are some things you can do to help!
1. Make sure that any information you listen to is from a credible source.
2. Look after you, eat healthy, exercise, and make sure that you sleep.
3. Talk to others about your concerns- you are not alone in this, and we are here to help.
4. And finally, focus on what you can control, not on what you can’t.
““Just Keep Swimming…” ”
We will all make it through this together, in the words of Dory from Finding Nemo… Just Keep Swimming.
Remember we are here to help, so please don’t hesitate to reach out to us!
Your Team at Kids Country Club
Find out what’s happening!
Interested to know what’s new and exciting at KCC, or looking for some festive holiday items or a new yummy recipe? Then, check out our Winter Newsletter.
In this month's edition, we are happy to provide updates on what’s happening in our program, celebrate our successes in 2021, and share our hopes for 2022. We also are sharing messages from our management team, our board, and kicking off our Holiday Campaign! However, most importantly, you’ll get to see some super cute pictures of our amazing kids— the true reason we love what we do!
Is there something you’d like to see in our next newsletter? Please let us know, and then keep an eye out for it in our next addition!
Happy Reading!
Written by: Michaela Cromwell - RPN
What’s Halloween without pumpkin carving? I love to carve pumpkins, and even though I live in an apartment building I still carve one (or two) each year. When I was younger, I carved fun, simple faces into my pumpkins, with the help of my parents. However, as I got older the complexity of my carvings increased. Over the years I have done a variety of designs including the Cheshire Cat, Tinker Bell, Simba and even phrases! I’ve included a photo of my personal favourite carving -- Tinker Bell.
Another Halloween tradition of mine is to watch Halloween movies. I’m not a scary movie person, but bring on all the Disney Halloween movies! With red hair, an October birthday, and the same last name as one of the main characters (Cromwell), one might say I fit right in with Disney’s Halloween Town, which is a personal favourite of mine! I love to curl up in the evenings and watch all the Halloween Town movies. A particular favourite quote of mine comes from one of the movies by the character Aggie Cromwell, “Normal is vastly overrated”. Not only do I love the quote, but I believe it to be true.
What traditions do you have for Halloween? Do you carve pumpkins or watch Halloween movies? Do you Trick or Treat? Or do you do something completely different? We’d love to hear what your traditions are, and why you love them, as well as see your photos! Email them into corie@kidscountryclub.org.
Happy Halloween… the countdown is on!
Fall Craft
It’s been a while since we had a fun craft project on our blog, so when one of our staff found this cute fall craft, it seemed like the perfect post to share!
When I think of fall I can’t help but think of scarecrows, but I also don’t have a field to put a large scarecrow in. With this craft, it’s no problem, as this cute popsicle stick scarecrow doesn’t need much room!
Let’s get started…
Here’s what you’ll need:
• 12 popsicle sticks
• Orange paint
• Flesh-colored paint
• Raffia (paper ribbon) or yellow yarn
• Googly eyes
• Orange felt
• Fall flower
• Black permanent marker
• Magnets
• Hot glue gun
First, trim down two of the popsicle sticks.
Next, line up nine of the popsicle sticks to create a square.
Attach the two popsicle sticks you cut across the back of the 9 sticks, using a hot glue gun.
Then, draw a diagonal line across the top of the popsicle sticks. Paint above the line orange (or any colour you would like a hat to be) and below white or straw coloured to make its face.
Paint the last popsicle stick orange, or whatever colour you choose for his hat.
Now, attach the popsicle stick across where the two paint colours meet, this will make the hat brim, add googly eyes, a triangle nose, and any fall flower or leaf to decorate his hat.
If you want, you can even add yarn, twine or straw to make some hair.
The finishing touch is to draw on a cute scarecrow mouth, and now your popsicle stick scarecrow is complete!
Isn’t he so stinkin’ cute?
We’d love to see your scarecrows, so be sure to take a picture of your finished masterpiece and email it to corie@kidscountryclub.org.
Happy Crafting!
The KCC Team
Written by: Michaela Cromwell - RPN
When the leaves start to turn colour, and the weather (when it’s cooperating) starts to result in cooler days, fall is in the air. And with fall comes Thanksgiving. A time to reflect on all the things we have to be thankful for and to see all the positives that life has to offer. While each person may have their own traditions to celebrate the holiday, I believe that we each share the desire to spend it with those we love.
Thanksgiving, synonymous with turkey dinner in my family, has always been a time where my family gathers together and celebrates. My dad would start prepping the turkey in the morning and the day would be spent cooking and cleaning in preparation for the Thanksgiving dinner that we would have. Extended family would all come over and we would gather around multiple tables all pushed together to enjoy our meal as a family. As I got older, the number of family members dwindled and I had to learn myself how to prep and cook the turkey, but the emotional atmosphere never changed and my list of things to be thankful for continued to grow.
There are so many things to be thankful for. If I were to list all the things that I am thankful for we could be here all day, so I’ll just leave you with a few. I am thankful for my friends and family, for all the support they have given me throughout all my adventures. I am also thankful for all of you, my KCC family. Without you, I wouldn’t know the lyrics to all the Wiggles songs, how to ‘Let It Go’, how to stop Swiper or the power behind a laugh.
So however you choose to celebrate the holiday, I hope that your day is filled with love, laughter, and family.
Michaela (and The KCC Team)
KCC SIBS CLUB- Having fun, creating friendships!
Thanks to a grant we received, Kids Country Club was very excited to be able to expand our SIBS CLUB*
* The KCC SIBS CLUB is a social group for the siblings of our clients who are in Kindergarten to Grade 8.
Recently we hosted our first in-person event, and what a wonderful and fun success it was. Take a peek at some of the fun below!
We love to support our families in as many meaningful ways as possible, and we are so grateful that this new funding is allowing us another opportunity to do just that!
Thank you to the Westminster College Foundation for this funding!
If you haven’t had a chance to sign up your kiddos for our Sibs club yet, don’t worry it’s not too late! Simply send us an email with your child's name and age, and one of our team will be in contact with you!
Stay tuned for more updates from the Sibs Club, as they share their fun and adventures with us!
A Heartfelt Farewell
By Nicole Harris, RPN (Cambridge Home)
So...here we are. My (likely) last blog post for KCC. As many of you will know, and for those of you who may not, the Cambridge location where yours truly works, is transferring from Kids Country Club to Sunbeam Community & Developmental Services.
Click here if you haven’t heard the news and would like to learn more!
Yup thats us… having fun with the kids!
I wanted to let everyone know that it has been a pleasure to work for Kids Country Club for over 5 years and get to experience working at both locations. I look forward to our new endeavour and can’t wait to continue to see our current families who will still be using the respite services offered through our location, as well as any new families we may meet.
As my final closing, I had a lot of difficulty in how I wanted to write this post. Much like my last one with the farewell of our resident, last month, this one is another where I just don’t know where to begin. So I thought for well past my deadline (Sorry Corie!) and tried and tried, again and again, to think of something to write. Let me tell you, it hasn’t been easy. I’m typically not one for a lack of words or ideas and even I have been stumped.
I guess at the end of the day, I just want to say thank you. Thank you to our families. Thank you to our management team. Thank you to all of our nurses, DSW’s and PSW’s.. Just thank you. for everything!
Join Our Children’s Art Contest!
Last week Kids Country Club was excited to launch our KCC Summer Art Contest. We had initially put a deadline of Sunday, June 13th for all submissions, but some families have asked for more time to work on their art! We are super excited to see all the creations, and certainly don’t want to rush any masterpieces! So, we are happy to announce that we have now extended the deadline to 5 pm Friday, July 18th. .
All you need is your imagination and some craft supplies. get creative and show us what you love about summer!
Our contest is open to ALL children (18 years of age or under)
Children are welcome to create and submit as many pieces as they’d like.
Submit a photo of your completed art (scan or photo) and email it to corie@kidscountryclub.org
All photos will be uploaded to our Kids Country Club Facebook page once they are received.
Everyone is invited to stop by our Facebook page to check out the submissions, and vote for your favourites!
EVERY piece of art is special and all entries receive a prize!
On June 22nd the top 3 entries will be announced and the prizes awarded as follows:
1st Prize: A personalized water bottle and $10 ice cream gift card
2nd Prize: A personalized water bottle and a $5 ice cream gift card
3rd Prize: A summer activity/treat bag
So, to all kids, get crafting, have fun and we can’t wait to see your awesome entries! And, to all adults, spread the word and be sure to stop by our Facebook site frequently to check out the latest entries!
The Kids Country Club Team!
Butterflies - Craft & Poem
By: J.J. Kuspira
What an absolutely beautiful time of year. June is the start of summer, and there are so many wonderful things which invite us to pause, breathe and smile. The grass begins to grow, flowers bloom, and animals start to wake up and greet us with chirps, squeaks and silent stares from the branches of the trees.
Today’s post is a poem and a craft to pay tribute to one of the most magical and beautiful signs of summer, the butterfly. Here are some butterflies to keep an eye out for as you take a stroll through a park or are relaxing in your yard. These are known as “JUNE” butterflies.
Welcome June, come on in and stay for a while.
We have missed you, your friends, your beautiful style.
Thank you, June, for the green grass and leaves.
The flowers you grow are vibrant yellows, blues and pinks to see.
Grateful to you June, for the friends you keep,
Groundhogs in the fields while Robins sing their songs that are so sweet.
Welcome June, you inspire such beauty even in the sky.
We marvel at all the magic you invite, especially that of the butterfly.
*** NOTE: I forgot to add pipe cleaners, scissors and paper towels ***.
Select as many coffee filters as you want. One filter equals one butterfly.
Pick 3 or 4 or your favourite coloured markers
Scribble and colour as much of the filter as you want. Be sure to get colour on the edge of the filter -- do your best to not leave too much white space
Place your coffee filters on top of some paper towel. (this speeds up the drying)
Fill your spray bottle with water.
Hold 2-3 inches above the filter and spray; be sure to cover the entire filter.
Wait for the filters to dry and the colours to spread. (average time is about 20 minutes)
Fold the filter. You can either do it in an accordion-style or bunch it all together.
Pinch the middle with your thumb and finger; you will start to see the wings.
Grab one of the clothespins and open it.
Place the pinched part of the filter into the first hole, the larger hole in your clothespin.
Be sure to have it all in the hole and that the top of the pin closes.
Plug in the glue gun (*The Glue Gun will require adult supervision)
Select the pom-poms you want
Cut two pieces of pipe cleaner (approx 1”)
*Put hot glue in space at top of the clip (see insert photo), and place pipe cleaners in glue.
*Put hot glue on the body; place two or 3 pom-poms on glue.
Kids Country Club announces the transfer of their Cambridge home to Sunbeam Community & Development Services.
Today, Kids Country Club announced the transfer of our Cambridge home to Sunbeam Community & Development Services. The actual transfer is expected to take place by late June. Read the News Release for more details.
Under Sunbeam’s management, the home will continue to serve families looking for specialized respite care for children who are medically fragile/technologically dependent and who may also require specialized behavioural supports.
If you are currently receiving respite services at the Cambridge home and would like to continue doing so after the transfer, please make sure you contact Laura Thies, Sunbeam’s Chief Operating Officer, at l.thies@sunbeamcommunity.ca or at 519-741-1121, ext. 2225.
Kids Country Club initiated the transfer to Sunbeam because of our limited resources and the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on our organization.
Kids Country Club has had this home since 2001. We are grateful that Sunbeam agreed to take over the services. We chose Sunbeam because of their commitment to their clients and their alignment with Kids Country Club’s mission of services. Sunbeam is a big enough organization to pool their resources. The agency is simply better equipped financially to sustain both the efficiency and the quality of the services offered at the Cambridge home.
We are happy to say, Sunbeam will take on our amazing Cambridge staff members. But we will miss all of them. We hope you join us in wishing them well.
This transfer will enable us to focus our resources on strengthening our already successful programs and services here in London. We are hoping, with your help, to update our existing medical equipment and purchase some new beds.
We will continue to offer a welcoming, comfortable home for the children we serve. If you would like to support our efforts, please make a donation today.
Thanks, and enjoy your day.
Sherry Groulx,
Executive Director.
Special Wishes for an Incredible Lady!
Big changes have come to Kids Country Club Cambridge. For those of you that have been with us for some time, many of you will know our resident Aiyana. As the month of May comes to a close, so will her time at KCC. Aiyana will be moving on to her forever home and will be so dearly missed by staff and management alike. Many of our staff have had the privilege to watch Aiyana grow up from a little girl to the woman she is now. Over the years, all the staff that have worked at KCC have formed a bond with this very special lady. But now, it’s time for her to go and form new bonds and memories with the staff at her new home.
With all that being said, I wanted to share some of our favourite photos of Aiyana from her time here at Kids Country Club. As well, some of our staff and management have also provided some going away messages to be included.
Aiyana was a pleasure to work with. I am so so proud of how far she has come & can not wait to hear about her exciting new adventures. If you are reading this Aiyana, please know that we will miss you dearly around here ♡ Simona PSW
Aiyana the first day I met you in 2015 I remember thinking what a cute little girl with a gorgeous smile. Somehow in these last few years you have turned into a beautiful young lady, I love your sweet spirit and that gorgeous smile remains . I wish you the very best in this exciting journey, have fun, make friends and remember you will always hold a special place at KCC. Big Hugs Sherry Groulx ED
Aiyana, I always looked forward to your smiling face and silly jokes when coming to work at KCC. Although I will miss you immensely, I’m so excited for you to take on this new journey- what a big accomplishment! You’ll have to make sure you FaceTime the house... we’ll need someone to help keep the kids in line! Much love, Katie DSW
I have thoroughly enjoyed working with you over the last 9 years at KCC. You have made me grow as a person and a nurse. I will always cherish our times we spent together whether it was going on outings, shopping, appointments or even at the house. We definitely had some fun excursions! You are a smart, compassionate and caring individual who I've seen blossom from that sassy teenager into a respectful young woman. This goodbye definitely doesn't come easy. Dr. Seuss once said " Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." Wishing you all the best, Heather RPN
Aiyana, you have made my days at KCC that much more special! I will certainly miss seeing you, but I am also truly excited, because I know this is going to be so amazing for you! I can’t wait to hear all about the fun you have and the friends you make! Let’s not say “goodbye”, but instead, “Talk to you soon!” Hugs & Best wishes – Corie AA 😊
I'm going to miss seeing your smile every time I walk into KCC. Sunbeam is so lucky to have you as their new resident. Wishing you all the best as you settle into your new home. Try to not get into too much trouble 😉. - Patricia RPN
Aiyana, I wish you so much happiness in your new home. It’s going to be great for you. I will treasure all our laughs and fun times together. I’m honoured to have been a part of your years at KCC, to see you grow into a fine young woman. You’re beautiful both inside and out. I will miss you. Hugs and Best wishes, Sharon D. PSW 😊
Since I am the author (so long as management doesn’t change it ha-ha) I get the final word.
Aiyana, it’s weird to have to finally say goodbye to you. To be honest, I’m not entirely sure how to put it into words correctly. You have been such an integral part of the Cambridge home that the thought of you not being there doesn’t feel right. Even when you would go to school, it was weird to not hear your concentrator humming in the background. With everything changing it is going to be not only a transition for you, but for us as well. But, I know I can rest easy knowing that you are going to a wonderful place and that so long as you are open to it, you are going to thrive more than you know. Always know that you will forever be a part of our lives.
Farewell, dear friend,
The OG Nicole H, RPN (yep, more than one now), and ALL current and former Kids Country Club staff
Find Out What’s Going On!
Wondering what’s new and exciting at KCC, or looking for a little light reading to enjoy on your back deck during these gorgeous spring days! Then, check out our Spring Newsletter!
Here you can find information about our current programming (both our on-site respite and the new family supports ) Read a message from our Executive Director, get an update from our Clinical Manager, find out about a fundraiser Cambridge Honda is hosting for us, and get a Spring Scavenger hunt to enjoy with your family. However, most importantly, you can enjoy some super cute pictures of our amazing clients — the reason we love what we do!
Is there something you’d like to read or see in our newsletter! If so, just let us know … then keep an eye out for it in our next addition!
Happy Reading!
To our staff and all Health Care Workers THANK YOU!
This is what it looks like to provide respite right now. The uniform is quite different with the necessary addition of masks and face shields but the staff underneath are still the same dedicated, exceptional people. Being a caregiver during a long-term pandemic isn’t ideal but our staff have shown resilience and creativity to still provide the best care to children who no longer get to see their comforting smiles. They have adapted to communicate comfort in different ways, to make sure our children know that they are safe and cared for.
Their lips are chapped, their skin under the masks gets irritated, glasses fog and hands that are already tender from constant washing and sanitizing are even more raw than usual. They juggle the time spent providing care and entertainment to our children with the higher workload of enhanced cleaning, sanitizing, learning new sanitizing equipment and keeping up with the many changes to processes due to the pandemic. It isn’t easy when additional information is brought forward which changes the direction from PH and MCCSS to ensure the program is safe for all. Our staff talk about the stress of keeping up with the constant communications and the struggles with doing the job in such a very different way now. They talk about how much they miss the old way.. and I completely understand and agree.
BUT they come to work each day ready to continue to provide respite for our families in any capacity that is needed to keep everyone safe. They still do puzzles, play games, go for walks, watch movies, have dance parties, etc. with our children so that their lives aren’t just covid. In a time when working in health care is so very different, frustrating and at times scary, these guys show up, work hard and do it again the next shift. I’m proud to be a member of the Health Care field but exceptionally proud of our staff at Kids Country Club and the growth they have had while enduring this pandemic. We appreciate them all the time but even more so now. If you are lucky enough to know one of these amazing staff, or another health care worker, please give them an extra “Thank you” this week. They more than deserve it!
To our staff and all Health Care Workers, THANK YOU!
Story Time
This week in our blog, as we enter a new month, we thought it might be fun to highlight one of the activities we offer to you, our KCC Family, for a bit of fun in these topsy-turvy times; Story Time with Jenny. This is a half-hour where I read a variety of stories from favourite authors such as Robert Munch and Dr. Seuss. I even have been known to improvise a story or two with the kids who attend. The feedback has been very positive from the kids/families that have attended regularly. We would love to have you join us.
Enjoying Storytime!
If you want us to send you the link to join this activity, just drop us a message at corie@kidscountryclub.org. You can include author suggestions, story suggestions or favourite themes like fairy tales, space exploration or pirates.
One of the best FREE storytime sites that I know is called STORYBERRIES. If you are looking for some new stories, this is a wonderful site to visit. They record the story and pair it with the illustrations of the book. Just click the link below to explore.
I truly love to read and write stories. As a bonus to today’s post, I wrote an original story just for our KCC family and friends. I hope you enjoy it, and I look forward to sharing more stories with you in May at Story Time with Jenny.
Wible the Pretty Gold Daisy
This is a story about a tiny flower named Wible who became friends with a young girl named Cathy. Wible is a little Goldstar also known as a black-eyed Susan, also known as the “pretty gold daisy”. Wible likes the last name best because it is the one that Cathy gave her. Cathy is the young girl that lives in the red brick house where Wible lives. Wible lives in the front garden box underneath Cathy's bedroom window.
Cathy was considered an odd girl because she talked to the flowers, plants and trees. Several of the neighbours had mentioned this concern to her mother in casual conversation. Her mother knew that it was nothing to fuss over, and she would just reply to the neighbour’s concern with a smile and a polite ”Oh really? Thank you for sharing”.
“Good morning ladies and gentlemen”, Cathy said as she bounced down the front steps towards her favourite place under the big maple tree. “Isn’t today just beautiful?”
Wible wanted to shout, YES!! Unfortunately, flowers have no lips or mouth to talk. All Wible could do was hold herself as tall as she could and spread out her petals in the happiest display possible. It was such an effort and wonderful display Cathy did notice.
“Well, aren't you just something special?” Cathy knelt down to look at Wible closer. She smiled, “You know, people think that I am crazy for talking to plants, but it just feels natural to me,” Cathy giggled and explained her joke to Wible as if she understood, “Nature, plants, natural, get it?” Wible did in fact understand and found the pun funny so her petals waved in the wind as her way of laughing. Cathy was mesmerized for a moment. “Did you just respond to me?” Without hesitation, Cathy shared another joke, “How do the trees in the forest access the internet?” Cathy’s stare was laser-focused on Wible’s petals as she continued, “They log on''. It happened again, the petals definitely moved in a happy and quick flutter. “Cool” was Cathy's way of confirming Wible did respond.
From that day forward Cathy found a new favourite spot in the garden, sitting next to her favourite pretty gold daisy, Wible. Each day Cathy would share a story, a joke, and sometimes she would just sit silently with Wible, enjoying the gentle warm breezes of summer washing over them. Wible found ways to share her moods. Petals wide open and full meant she was happy, and when they drooped and were rolled into themselves, she was sad. If she wanted to say “yes” she would point her leaves one way and for “no” she pointed her leaves in the opposite direction.
Cathy was fascinated by this blossoming friendship with this one flower. Wible also was curious as to why and how this connection, this friendship was possible. The answer came unexpectedly one afternoon.
One day, the Smithson boys, Michael, Christopher and Dylan, from across the street were quite loud and difficult to ignore. More accurately Michael and Dylan were fighting about what they wanted to do. Christopher was off to the side, waiting for the yelling to stop. Michael was demanding and telling the other two what to do. Dylan yelled back at Michael then asked Christopher what he wanted to do. The yelling continued and Christopher sat down on the edge of the driveway covering his ears, not saying a word. Michael finally gave up and walked away. Dylan watched his little brother and sat across from him. Dylan rolled the basketball in the driveway to his brother. His brother rolled it back a few times and then it evolved into a game of one on one, laughing and goofing around.
Cathy felt a wave of understanding wash over her in that moment watching the brothers. She felt confident that she now knew it is magic that allows her to have a friendship with her favourite daisy. It is the magic of love, her love for the flowers. Mixed with a pinch of curiosity and patience which most people call listening.
Just like Wible, Christopher did not say a word and clearly communicated he wanted the yelling to stop. Once the ball started bouncing, laughter followed and the connection made between the two brothers was amazing, it was love.
Cathy could not explain the magic she had discovered that day, but she knew it was magic. Some combination of her love, Wible’s desire to be part of something and both listening to each other. The magic connection, Cathy now understood, is communication, listening and expressing, through love. That is how Wible, the pretty gold daisy, and Cathy the young odd girl, were able to become friends, through listening, sharing and caring.
Jenny, DSW- Cambridge House
Balancing Needs
Hello, welcome, good day/evening. Hope you are all doing well in this continued pandemic. For myself, I am currently in a place of too much to do, not knowing what to do, and not wanting to do anything. It’s quite the paradox. If my life was one of those stupidly long Fall Out Boy song names it would be something like “I have too much on my plate but here I am doing nothing.” It would flop immediately, much like I do into my bed after a night shift.
I know I’ve said it before, but that was before the spring snowfall (how Canadian of a saying is that) but the weather perking up really makes me want to do things. I even tried gardening! Spent like 50 odd bucks, planted all my pretty stuff, and the next day it snowed. So as you can see, I am totally winning in that area of my life. Nevertheless, my pursuit of doing things wasn’t about to end. I finally took the time to actually clean my barbeque. Which, serious question, has anyone been able to get one of those wood scrapers to actually work? I have one, and it doesn’t do squat; hence the need to clean. When I got a barbeque, I was so concerned with the conventional metal scrapers with shards being found in food (even though I grew up on BBQ at home and never had an issue) that I went the wood route and have regretted it since.
Now while I do my gardening and random cleaning of my barbeque, I have piles of laundry progressively turning into mountains. At one point they were these little hills, now I feel I may need a sherpa to conquer them. But during this whole pandemic, I have found myself in a multitude of different headspaces. One thing I have had to come to is the varying levels of what I need. Yes, I know I will need to do my laundry, but at the moment my mind is saying “No, you go outside and get some vitamin D. Now go trim the grass with the kitchen scissors for all I care.” And you know what, I felt better in the long run by being outside and taking that time for something that while it may not be as practical of a need, it was still something I needed.
So get outdoors or organize your loose screw bits by style (yes I did that too). Take some time for you and if the laundry is still gnawing at you, try putting a load in before bed and dry it in the morning. Step by step it will all get done. And worst-case scenario, you can wear your clothes inside out and tell the kids it’s Backwards Day.
Earth Day 2021!
April 22nd is Earth Day! An annual day set aside to promote environmental awareness and to simply appreciate and celebrate our home - Earth!
While we are doing our best to stay home and stay safe, there are still a number of easy ways we can all celebrate and acknowledge Earth Day. Check out the list below to find one that works for you and your family!
Plant an "Earth Day" tree in the backyard.
If you have to venture out, leave your car at home and take your bike or walk (ensure to practice social distancing).
"Turn off the lights". Try living an entire day without turning on the lights. It can be a fun and interesting challenge that helps conserve energy.
Once school and work are done for the day, turn off your electronics and enjoy board games, cards or crafts as a family (See below for some fun ideas) .
If you don’t already, make an effort to compost and recycle!
Start a garden and plant-pollinator flowers that attract bees. Bee’s are essential to our food chain.
Ditch the Plastic. Starting today, stop buying single-use plastic containers and move to refillable bottles or jugs.
Share online what you plan to do during Earth Day! It is fun and helps inspire others to participate.
We also found some fun family Earth Day crafts and experiments — because it wouldn’t be a KCC post if there weren’t some fun activities for you to do with your kiddos! Simply click on the activity title to get all the details, and don’t forget to take pictures! We LOVE to see how everyone’s crafts turn out!
Last but not least, we will leave you with some interesting Earth Day facts:
Earth Day started in the US back in the 1970s but didn’t become globally celebrated until the 1990s.
Over 1 billion people recognize and celebrate Earth Day each year, spanning 192 countries.
Earth Day is celebrated on April 22nd as this was the date of the very first Earth Day demonstration.
There is an official Earth Day song recorded in all official UN languages. Check it out.
On Earth Day in 2012, over 100,000 people in China rode their bikes to help reduce CO2 emissions and highlight the pollution created by cars.
Each year there is an Earth Day Theme. This year it is Restore Our Earth.
Remember we can all make a difference in the health and future of our planet! And, if everyone were to make one small change, it would have a huge global impact!
Your friends at KCC!
Enjoying the Spring
We hope you have been able to get out and enjoy the beautiful weather we have been having so far this spring! We know our staff have been making the most of the amazing weather with the kids, and so we thought it would be the perfect day for sharing some spring photos and a poem that one of our Cambridge DSW’s has created.
By: J.J. Kuspira
Signs of Spring are all around
Songs of birds fill the sky.
Flowers and buds rise from the ground.
What is this feeling inside?
Signs of spring are all around
Babbling waters in the river whisper to a tree.
A beaver swims by, not making a sound.
What is stirring inside of me?
Signs of Spring are all around
Silently, Green Moss dresses fallen trees and stones.
Warm summer breezes fly up high and fall softly down.
What is this thought in my head that is unknown?
Spring has arrived and brought many new starts.
The stirring inside that feels strange is Spring in my heart.
Nature all around is waking up and ready to play.
Nature inspires in me, gratitude for each and every day.
Pet supports to help our KCC families!
Nicole H, RPN
Ahh...spring has sprung. I must say, I am very happy for the change in seasons, even if winter wasn’t all that crazy this time around. Something about spring just makes my non-green thumb want to buy a bunch of plants that will ultimately end up dying. All members of the Fake Plants Society say aye! AYE!
Now maybe one of the many reasons my plants don’t fare well is due to lack of attention (along with knowledge, dedication, etc.). Unfortunately for any plant life (social life, etc.), my attention almost solely goes to my dog. Oakley is my pride and annoying joy and I wouldn’t change him for the world. I'm sure it is probably close to the same for the fur-friends of all our families. I will admit that likely over 90% of the photos on my phone are of Oakley...the other 10% is random screenshots of memes that I apparently need but will never access again.
But while owning a pet is, in my opinion, the greatest thing ever, they do need a lot of love and attention. It's easy to supply the love part, but sometimes our attention can slip. I know for myself, there have been days where I've had to vacuum fifteen thousand times to try and get all the fur out of the carpet because I forgot to brush the dog. And sometimes I don't pull his homemade treats (yes you read that right, I'm THAT dog owner) from the freezer so they aren't thawed in time for him.
So I wanted to take a moment to highlight the pet services we are currently offering as part of our new family support menu!. Our support menu offers families a variety of unique services, outside of respite, designed to help reduce everyday stresses by saving them time and energy. Our Pet services range from offering homemade treats, to running to the store to pick up their pet supplies! So, if you need supports for your furry bestie, give us a call and we can see what supports we can provide. All COVID safe of course.
So there you have it. Spring is in the air and I love my dog.
I don’t know about you, but I am LOVING the beautiful weather that we’ve been having these past few days! Don’t get me wrong, I know that with Spring, much needed rainy days are coming, but for now I am going to enjoy every minute of this glorious sunshine and warm temperatures.
So, that got me thinking, this is the perfect time to share some fun ways that we can all get outside to enjoy the spring — rain or shine!
What better way to enjoy the spring, than to get outside on a nature trail! To find a fun and inclusive trail near you, click on the link below! Or, maybe you want to find one that’s further away and then you can make it into a full day of fun…. road trip!
Is there really a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow? You’ll never know unless you go see! For a fun spring outdoor activity, try chasing a rainbow! The next time you spot a rainbow, head out for a walk (or jump on your bike, or even in the car) and try to chase down the end. Let the kids take turns choosing which way you go! Who knows where you’ll end up, but you’ll be sure to have a fun adventure on the way!
The idea of planting a garden may sound like a lot of work but, it doesn’t have to be! If you’re new to gardening, start small with just a couple of plants. You’ll be happy to know there are lots of fruits and vegetables that are quite easy to grow! You also don’t need a huge amount of space. There are lots of plants that can be grown in containers on your back porch or even on your windowsill. Check out some of the links below to get started!
Put on your PJ’s, grab some snacks, a pillow, and head out for a fun night at the drive-in! During these crazy COVID times, this is a fun and safe family activity to enjoy on a beautiful spring night! I was actually quite surprised to learn that Ontario has half of all the operating drive-ins in Canada! Hopefully, this means there is one close by for you and your family to enjoy! For a full list of drive-in’s simply click on the link below.
Yup, you read that right… and no, I’m not crazy! Feeling the rain coming down on you, jumping in muddy puddles, or squishing your bare feet in the muddy rain-soaked grass, is s an amazing sensory experience! Simply wait for a nice warm spring shower (make sure there is no thunder or lighting) and then head outside! I bet it will be something you’ll all remember for a lifetime!
Well, I hope one, or maybe a few, of these ideas, jumped out at you as something you would like to try this spring! While I was perusing the internet for some of these fun Spring inspirations I also stumbled across a few jokes that are just too cute for me not to share.
How excited was the gardener about spring?
So excited he wet his plants!
What did the tree say to spring?
What a re-leaf!
Why are Frogs so happy?
They eat whatever bugs them!
What did the worm’s parents say when he came home late?
Where in Earth have you been!
Why did the gardener plant his seeds in the pond?
He wanted to grow watermelons.
However you choose to enjoy the spring, we hope you stay safe, healthy and happy!
Your friends at Kids Country Club!
St. Patrick's Day Fun!
Bring on the leprechauns, rainbows, pots of gold, and all things green! It’s time to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day! But, what exactly is St Patrick’s Day all about?! To be honest, I wasn’t really sure?! So, I turned to my friend Google to find out!
“St. Patrick’s Day is a day to honour the patron saint of Ireland, Saint Patrick. Patrick was born in Britain where he lived until he was 16 years old and was brought to Ireland as a slave. After his arrival, Patrick became interested in Christianity and started teaching the Irish about this religion. It is observed on March 17th as it is believed that is the day Saint Patrick died. While it originated as a Christian religious holiday, over time it has evolved to be a general celebration of the Irish culture.”
I think it’s always fun to learn and celebrate different cultures. And, who doesn’t love a reason to feast, celebrate, and have fun; especially in these crazy COVID times! So, we wanted to share some ways you and your family can enjoy a little St Patrick’s day fun!
Go Green
This one is easy! Start by digging through your closet to find anything green to wear! Then, head to the kitchen to eat, drink and be merry while enjoying all things green!
Below is a link to some fun green recipes you can make and enjoy today:
Tonight, our family will be enjoying sugar cookies with bright green icing, and a side of Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream - Yum 😊
Do a little Jig
Ok, Irish dancing is far from an easy format to learn, but you could surely have a lot of fun trying and could start with this simple video below:
Shamrock Beat Irish Dance Video
Or, get your groove on dancing any old way while enjoying some fun and festive Irish Music.
Crafting Fun!
Of course, no festive family day would be complete without a little craft fun!
Leprechaun Fork Art
Start by having the kids draw the outline of a leprechaun's face with a brown crayon.
Then, have them dip their fork into orange paint and make long strokes along the bottom of the face to make a beard, and short strokes around the face to make hair.
Cut out a green hat, a black band and a yellow buckle from construction paper.
Glue it together on your paper to create a hat.
Finish the craft off by drawing your leprechaun’s face - use google eyes if you have them.
Chalk Shamrocks
Cut out 4 hearts (using thick paper or card stock) and one long thin rectangle shape (for a stem) . Younger kids will need help with this step.
Use tape to stick all 4 hearts and the stem onto black construction paper to make the shape of a shamrock.
Grab a variety of chalk colours and, using one colour at a time, colour around the edges of your shamrock. You want to create a thick line to make the next step easier.
Once you are done tracing your shamrock, use your finger (or a q-tip) to smudge the thick link of chalk outward and away from your shamrock.
Carefully, lift off the template to reveal your chalk design!
Blow off the excess chalk dust, and voila you have a St Patrick’s Day masterpiece!
Themed Colouring Pages
Thank you to Crayola for providing a fun variety of printable St Patrick day colouring pages! Print one, or them all, and get your colouring on!
St Patrick’s Day Colouring Pages
Movie Time!
Lastly, get your green popcorn and finish off your St Patrick’s Day fun with a family-friendly Irish movie! Check out a list of great options in the link below!
Well, there you have it! A few fun and festive St Patrick Day ideas to help you celebrate today! I will leave you now with a little Irish blessing I stumbled across throughout my Google searches.