A Heartfelt Farewell
By Nicole Harris, RPN (Cambridge Home)
So...here we are. My (likely) last blog post for KCC. As many of you will know, and for those of you who may not, the Cambridge location where yours truly works, is transferring from Kids Country Club to Sunbeam Community & Developmental Services.
Click here if you haven’t heard the news and would like to learn more!
Yup thats us… having fun with the kids!
I wanted to let everyone know that it has been a pleasure to work for Kids Country Club for over 5 years and get to experience working at both locations. I look forward to our new endeavour and can’t wait to continue to see our current families who will still be using the respite services offered through our location, as well as any new families we may meet.
As my final closing, I had a lot of difficulty in how I wanted to write this post. Much like my last one with the farewell of our resident, last month, this one is another where I just don’t know where to begin. So I thought for well past my deadline (Sorry Corie!) and tried and tried, again and again, to think of something to write. Let me tell you, it hasn’t been easy. I’m typically not one for a lack of words or ideas and even I have been stumped.
I guess at the end of the day, I just want to say thank you. Thank you to our families. Thank you to our management team. Thank you to all of our nurses, DSW’s and PSW’s.. Just thank you. for everything!