Pet supports to help our KCC families!
Nicole H, RPN
Ahh...spring has sprung. I must say, I am very happy for the change in seasons, even if winter wasn’t all that crazy this time around. Something about spring just makes my non-green thumb want to buy a bunch of plants that will ultimately end up dying. All members of the Fake Plants Society say aye! AYE!
Now maybe one of the many reasons my plants don’t fare well is due to lack of attention (along with knowledge, dedication, etc.). Unfortunately for any plant life (social life, etc.), my attention almost solely goes to my dog. Oakley is my pride and annoying joy and I wouldn’t change him for the world. I'm sure it is probably close to the same for the fur-friends of all our families. I will admit that likely over 90% of the photos on my phone are of Oakley...the other 10% is random screenshots of memes that I apparently need but will never access again.
But while owning a pet is, in my opinion, the greatest thing ever, they do need a lot of love and attention. It's easy to supply the love part, but sometimes our attention can slip. I know for myself, there have been days where I've had to vacuum fifteen thousand times to try and get all the fur out of the carpet because I forgot to brush the dog. And sometimes I don't pull his homemade treats (yes you read that right, I'm THAT dog owner) from the freezer so they aren't thawed in time for him.
So I wanted to take a moment to highlight the pet services we are currently offering as part of our new family support menu!. Our support menu offers families a variety of unique services, outside of respite, designed to help reduce everyday stresses by saving them time and energy. Our Pet services range from offering homemade treats, to running to the store to pick up their pet supplies! So, if you need supports for your furry bestie, give us a call and we can see what supports we can provide. All COVID safe of course.
So there you have it. Spring is in the air and I love my dog.