
Written by: Michaela Cromwell - RPN


When the leaves start to turn colour, and the weather (when it’s cooperating) starts to result in cooler days, fall is in the air. And with fall comes Thanksgiving. A time to reflect on all the things we have to be thankful for and to see all the positives that life has to offer. While each person may have their own traditions to celebrate the holiday, I believe that we each share the desire to spend it with those we love.

Thanksgiving, synonymous with turkey dinner in my family, has always been a time where my family gathers together and celebrates. My dad would start prepping the turkey in the morning and the day would be spent cooking and cleaning in preparation for the Thanksgiving dinner that we would have. Extended family would all come over and we would gather around multiple tables all pushed together to enjoy our meal as a family. As I got older, the number of family members dwindled and I had to learn myself how to prep and cook the turkey, but the emotional atmosphere never changed and my list of things to be thankful for continued to grow.

There are so many things to be thankful for. If I were to list all the things that I am thankful for we could be here all day, so I’ll just leave you with a few. I am thankful for my friends and family, for all the support they have given me throughout all my adventures. I am also thankful for all of you, my KCC family. Without you, I wouldn’t know the lyrics to all the Wiggles songs, how to ‘Let It Go’, how to stop Swiper or the power behind a laugh.

So however you choose to celebrate the holiday, I hope that your day is filled with love, laughter, and family.

Michaela (and The KCC Team)

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