About Us
Kids Country Club is a short-term respite home for children who are deemed medically fragile and/or technologically dependent (MFTD). We provide quality care with a diverse health care team (including RPNs, DSWs and PSWs) and support in a fun, friendly, home-like environment.
After meeting with every family, a parent-directed Care Plan is created for each child. This identifies not only their medical needs but their preferences and goals.
Our staff are always looking for new fun ways to interact and play with the children. We also take the children on outings and connect with the community in a way that promotes inclusion.
“Our daughter absolutely LOVED her visit this week and we are so incredibly happy about that! You all do an amazing job and we can’t wait to get to know you better. Thanks!”
“I left yesterday after dropping my son off with a great feeling of calm. It's been so stressful lately with school going back in, a new teaching position for me and tonic-clonic seizures during the day and at school for him that when I got out to the van I had a little cry of relief....Someone was going to take good care of him so I could re-energize and rest. Thank goodness for your amazing service. I look forward to picking him up on Sunday a new woman!! We feel so fortunate to have KCC providing specialized care for our son, for our family as well, as we would not have a break without it! Thanks, everyone for all you do. You are all VERY special people.” - A very thankful Mom of a very special young man.
“Thank you for all you guys do for parents like me and caring for my son like he's one of your own! I have trust issue's and knowing I can drop my son off at KCC with no fear is huge. I sleep like I'm in a mini coma because I know he's having the time of his life learning new things and yet staff are trained enough that they know how to deal with his G-Tube as well if his skin changes colour due to his heart, or if he goes clammy, or blue lips. They really are amazing to him.” - Lisa
“Attention ALL ANGELS 👼 at KCC! There aren't enough words to express how much my family is forever grateful for all the support all staff showed during this critical time for us, our first vacation! Everyone worked so diligently to make it as smooth as possible even during a strike day from school. The compassion and support that staff continuously show is so beautiful and overwhelming. What can I say " KCC - truly is simply the best!" Thanks a million! ( that's not even enough 😉)” Amal, Mahmoud and family