Story Time
This week in our blog, as we enter a new month, we thought it might be fun to highlight one of the activities we offer to you, our KCC Family, for a bit of fun in these topsy-turvy times; Story Time with Jenny. This is a half-hour where I read a variety of stories from favourite authors such as Robert Munch and Dr. Seuss. I even have been known to improvise a story or two with the kids who attend. The feedback has been very positive from the kids/families that have attended regularly. We would love to have you join us.
Enjoying Storytime!
If you want us to send you the link to join this activity, just drop us a message at You can include author suggestions, story suggestions or favourite themes like fairy tales, space exploration or pirates.
One of the best FREE storytime sites that I know is called STORYBERRIES. If you are looking for some new stories, this is a wonderful site to visit. They record the story and pair it with the illustrations of the book. Just click the link below to explore.
I truly love to read and write stories. As a bonus to today’s post, I wrote an original story just for our KCC family and friends. I hope you enjoy it, and I look forward to sharing more stories with you in May at Story Time with Jenny.
Wible the Pretty Gold Daisy
This is a story about a tiny flower named Wible who became friends with a young girl named Cathy. Wible is a little Goldstar also known as a black-eyed Susan, also known as the “pretty gold daisy”. Wible likes the last name best because it is the one that Cathy gave her. Cathy is the young girl that lives in the red brick house where Wible lives. Wible lives in the front garden box underneath Cathy's bedroom window.
Cathy was considered an odd girl because she talked to the flowers, plants and trees. Several of the neighbours had mentioned this concern to her mother in casual conversation. Her mother knew that it was nothing to fuss over, and she would just reply to the neighbour’s concern with a smile and a polite ”Oh really? Thank you for sharing”.
“Good morning ladies and gentlemen”, Cathy said as she bounced down the front steps towards her favourite place under the big maple tree. “Isn’t today just beautiful?”
Wible wanted to shout, YES!! Unfortunately, flowers have no lips or mouth to talk. All Wible could do was hold herself as tall as she could and spread out her petals in the happiest display possible. It was such an effort and wonderful display Cathy did notice.
“Well, aren't you just something special?” Cathy knelt down to look at Wible closer. She smiled, “You know, people think that I am crazy for talking to plants, but it just feels natural to me,” Cathy giggled and explained her joke to Wible as if she understood, “Nature, plants, natural, get it?” Wible did in fact understand and found the pun funny so her petals waved in the wind as her way of laughing. Cathy was mesmerized for a moment. “Did you just respond to me?” Without hesitation, Cathy shared another joke, “How do the trees in the forest access the internet?” Cathy’s stare was laser-focused on Wible’s petals as she continued, “They log on''. It happened again, the petals definitely moved in a happy and quick flutter. “Cool” was Cathy's way of confirming Wible did respond.
From that day forward Cathy found a new favourite spot in the garden, sitting next to her favourite pretty gold daisy, Wible. Each day Cathy would share a story, a joke, and sometimes she would just sit silently with Wible, enjoying the gentle warm breezes of summer washing over them. Wible found ways to share her moods. Petals wide open and full meant she was happy, and when they drooped and were rolled into themselves, she was sad. If she wanted to say “yes” she would point her leaves one way and for “no” she pointed her leaves in the opposite direction.
Cathy was fascinated by this blossoming friendship with this one flower. Wible also was curious as to why and how this connection, this friendship was possible. The answer came unexpectedly one afternoon.
One day, the Smithson boys, Michael, Christopher and Dylan, from across the street were quite loud and difficult to ignore. More accurately Michael and Dylan were fighting about what they wanted to do. Christopher was off to the side, waiting for the yelling to stop. Michael was demanding and telling the other two what to do. Dylan yelled back at Michael then asked Christopher what he wanted to do. The yelling continued and Christopher sat down on the edge of the driveway covering his ears, not saying a word. Michael finally gave up and walked away. Dylan watched his little brother and sat across from him. Dylan rolled the basketball in the driveway to his brother. His brother rolled it back a few times and then it evolved into a game of one on one, laughing and goofing around.
Cathy felt a wave of understanding wash over her in that moment watching the brothers. She felt confident that she now knew it is magic that allows her to have a friendship with her favourite daisy. It is the magic of love, her love for the flowers. Mixed with a pinch of curiosity and patience which most people call listening.
Just like Wible, Christopher did not say a word and clearly communicated he wanted the yelling to stop. Once the ball started bouncing, laughter followed and the connection made between the two brothers was amazing, it was love.
Cathy could not explain the magic she had discovered that day, but she knew it was magic. Some combination of her love, Wible’s desire to be part of something and both listening to each other. The magic connection, Cathy now understood, is communication, listening and expressing, through love. That is how Wible, the pretty gold daisy, and Cathy the young odd girl, were able to become friends, through listening, sharing and caring.
Jenny, DSW- Cambridge House