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Fundraising Drag Races

Fundraising is such an important way for non-profit organizations, such as ourselves, to gain funds needed to purchase items that our operational budget may not cover. Our Board Vice-President, James Shields, understands how important these fundraising dollars are for KCC, so he refused to let the challenges of 2020 get in the way of the annual drag race. While the races had to look different this year -- no crowds to cheer the drivers on, no KCC staff to help out, and none of our families in attendance, he didn’t let that stop him, and his hard work paid off, as they were a HUGE success!!

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We raised $8,500 at the adult race hosted on July 4th, and another $3,000 at the Kids Racing For Kids event hosted on August 29th.

James Shields - Kids Country Club Board Vice President.

James Shields - Kids Country Club Board Vice-President.

We would like to recognize James and thank him for all his hard work and dedication to make these races happen!  We would also like to send a big thank you to all of the participants, volunteers, and supporters. We couldn’t have done this without you! We are so very grateful and want you to know that the funds you helped raise will allow us to continue to support our families by providing the best possible respite experience for our children, who we care so much about! 

From all of the staff at KCC, THANK YOU, and cheers to another GREAT year of races!

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A Little Autumn Relaxation

By Jenny Kuspira - DSW

Welcome to mid-september. As school resumes in these topsy turvy times and the seasons start to change it can be a very busy and distracting time, especially for families. So, today I wanted to share some photos and a couple of poems with you to enjoy alone, or with your family. So, grab a tea or hot chocolate, a cozy blanket and take a deep breath or two and bask in this moment of Autumn relaxation just for you... you deserve it!


I love autumn because of its colours and the cool breeze.

A reminder that change is inevitable just look at the leaves.

Wishing the greens of the forest a fond farewell, as they leave the trees and the weeds 

A reminder that time is precious, so like the mighty maple pause and just be.

I love autumn because it's a time of giving thanks and reflection.

A reminder that seasons must change, it is time to explore a new direction. 

Watching the game of peek-a-boo of red, orange and gold covering the treetops above.

A reminder that all things in this life are beautiful, especially through the eyes of love. 

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How the brilliance of your colours decorate the trees short and tall.

Welcome back again Autumn you are my favourite season of all.

How the gentle wind from the north rustles your leaves.

Wishing a sweet "Bon Voyage" to the milkweed fluff, as it floats on the breeze.

How Majestic your treetops look laced with red and gold

"Welcome back" whispers winds from the North, oh so cold. 

How beautiful, unchanging and rugged the trunks of your trees.

Wishing the greens of the forest a fond farewell as they cover less of the leaves.

Autumn, your beauty and silent wisdom always make me smile.

Autumn, thank you for inviting us to join you, even if it is just for a little while.

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Managing stress...or at least trying to.

Hey everyone!

So I thought I’d take some time to write about something I think we are all dealing with, and have been dealing with for a while . . .


Such a small word to mean so much. Like cake...only cake is delicious and good. Now some stress can be good for us. Think like a really good workout or preparing for a vacation. Then there’s the bad stress we all know of from things like unemployment, family loss, and more. Now I never thought I’d have to list pandemic on my personal stressor list, let alone my lifetime events list; nevertheless, here we are. And I think every last one of us has felt the pinch in one way or another. So for this week, I thought I’d bring forth some suggestions for a little stress relief for all of us. And while yes, I know the list should also say “Win the Lottery”, unfortunately, the odds aren’t the greatest for that one. 

  • Exercise: I started going to the gym semi-regularly since they were allowed to reopen. When I go, I find my stress levels and overall mood greatly improved. But don’t think you have to have a gym to get the same feeling. I hauled over 1000 paving stones for my grandfather in law the other day, and let me tell you that was no easy task.

  • Meditate: Yep, sit, or lay somewhere comfortable and clear your mind. I’m working on this one as it seems my meditating time quickly turns into nap time. I love nap time. 

  • Reduce caffeine intake: Can you believe that not having like 6 extra-large coffees in a day can make one a little bit less stressed out? 

  • Write it down: While my coworkers think my to-do lists are silly and think it's funny I write one (or ten) daily, I find that by writing down the things concerning me or that are bouncing in my mind, I am able to focus better. 

So there you have it, a couple of ideas to maybe help manage your stress levels a little better than before. Unfortunately, stress can and will happen at any time, so try to prepare yourself with some skills, and hopefully, it can be better managed in the future. If you find yourself struggling more so than usual, please reach out to your family, friends, and medical professionals. There is also the service Here24/7 in the Waterloo Wellington county which helps provide counseling and resources to those who may be struggling with addictions, mental health, or crisis situations, their number is 1-844-437-3247. If you are outside these regions, you can also contact Telehealth Ontario at 1-866-797-0000. 

From everyone here at KCC, take care and we hope to see you soon.

Nicole H RPN

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Funfetti and Friends

By Nicole H - RPN

Recently a couple of our staff and our awesome Cambridge resident took some time to spread some cheer to one of our families. We all got a chance to catch up and get out for a little bit. It was so great seeing our friend again! 


When we got back we decided to keep the FUN theme going by making some truly awesome cookies. FUNfetti for FUN times! Don’t they just look delicious!?


We have provided the recipe below if you want to give it a try as well. 

Funfetti Cookie Recipe

Prep Time 15 minutes

Cook Time 12 minutes

Total Time 27 minutes

YIELD 24 Cookies


  • 2 and ⅛ cups (300 g) all-purpose flour

  • ½ teaspoon baking soda

  • ½ teaspoon fine salt

  • 1 cup (2 sticks/227 g) unsalted butter, softened to room temperature

  • ⅔ cup (130 g) granulated sugar

  • ¾ cup (85 g) powdered sugar

  • 1 large egg

  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract

  • 1/2 cup sprinkles (or up to 2/3 cup)


1.     Preheat oven to 350F/180C. Line 2 baking sheets with parchment paper. Set aside.

2.     In a medium bowl, sift together flour, baking soda, and salt. Set aside.

3.     In a mixer bowl fitted with the paddle attachment, beat butter, granulated sugar, and powdered sugar on medium-low speed for 4 minutes. Beat in egg and vanilla extract just until combined. Add flour mixture and beat just until combined. Mix in sprinkles. Do not overmix.

4.     Shape dough into balls, the size of 1.5 tablespoons each (I use this ice cream scoop for that), and place on the cookie sheets, spacing them 2-inches apart. Bake for 11-12 minutes until cookies just begin to brown at the edges, but the center is still soft (you don't want to overbake them). Allow cookies to cool on baking sheet for 5-10 minutes, then gently transfer to a wire rack to cool completely.

5.     Store cookies at room temperature in an airtight container for up to 3 days. Cookies can also be frozen for up to 2 months.

Hope you all had a great labour day weekend!

Nicole & The KCC Team

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Back to school during COVID19: Tips from the experts at CHEO.

With a return to school just around the corner, many parents and caregivers are feeling uncertain, given the current situation with COVID. Should they send their child back to school in person or keep them home for virtual learning? Also, how can they support their child to make it as successful and safe as possible? There are no easy answers. What is right will be dependent on each child's individual needs and each family's unique situation.

However, to try and help support our families during this uncertain time, we wanted to share the below resource from the experts at CHEO.

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Paper Bag Journal - KCC Craft fun!


As summer winds down and school is just around the corner, it is a time to think about how unique, interesting, and full of adventure the Summer of 2020 has been for us here at KCC and for you, our KCC Family.

What to do with all of those photos and stories??? Keeping a journal is a fun and creative way to share all of your summer highlights.

Here is an EASY and FUN way to make your very own JOURNAL (or many).

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Cleaning up and Clearing out!

Hey there everyone!

Hope you are all doing well today. I’m so happy that we have been able to start seeing some of your loving, happy faces at KCC! We are so thrilled to have been able to offer our services to you, even if on a smaller, more limited scale. 

So on one of my days off, my husband was watching his new favourite show Brooklyn 99. During one episode a character said something that got me thinking. Not only on how it is something I too would say, but also on something I could do in the Cambridge house. 

Amy: What's going on? Is this a dream? No, I'm not holding a label maker.

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Maybe you are wondering “How does that give you any ideas?" Or "What kind of crazy lady dreams of organizational tools" This lady does and this lady also spent over 5 hours sorting, cleaning, and categorizing all of our resident’s dresser and closet contents. Oh yes, I went there. And now I have scratched an organizational itch that has gone on for way too long. Now, our resident...she can be an indecisive lady, but we Marie Kondo’ed our way through it all and ended up making quite the impact. I guess there is something to the whole idea of “Does it bring you joy” and what not. Also helps if things aren’t ripped or have holes!

So if you got a chance, maybe pull-apart that junk drawer we all have, and see what kind of impact you can make.

Until next time,

Nicole H. RPN

Ps: I kinda want to sign off with the saying "Same bat time, same bat channel" but I don't think it quite works. Let me know what you think!

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Enjoy The Summer Moments

Despite all that has been going on, we hope you have had a chance to get outside and enjoy some of the relaxing, simplicty of summer. One of our Cambridge DSW’s, Jenny Kuspira, wanted to share a few of her summer moments.


SUMMER in Ontario (Acrostic poem) - By: Jenny Kuspira

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S - unshine hot and strong during the day, kisses my skin and helps the flowers grow

U - ntil dinner time, when we eat by the fire and roast many a marshmallow

M - otorbikes roar like thunder across the highways, streets & dirt roads 

M - usic in the ponds come from the songs of the ducks, crickets and toads

E  - veryone you meet has a towel over their shoulder and flip flops on their feet

R - evel in this Ontario, Summer scene, even from a distance, what a magical treat 

My Summer Moment - By: Jenny Kuspira

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 The buzz of the bee catches my ear

 The whistling of the winds are crisp and clear

 The crunch of gravel under tires and feet

 The Thump, Thump, Thump, I feel the pulse of my heartbeat

 The parade of petals, tall grass and rocks in the garden fill my eyes

 The perfumes float like ghosts to tickle my nose and my insides

This is a magical summer minute in time

This is my private paradise, this summer moment is mine.



  • What creature is smarter than a talking parrot?

    • A spelling bee!

  • Why did the banana go to the hospital?

    • It was not PEELING very well.

  • Why did the ice cream take karate lessons?

    • It was tired of getting licked.

  • Why was the music teacher not able to open his classroom?

    • Because his keys were on the piano

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Welcome Back …


After 5 months apart, we are so happy to welcome our kids back, and to be supporting our families with on-site respite visits again. To keep everyone healthy and safe, respite will look a little different right now, but one thing that will remain the same is the fun times we’ll have together!

The mask may hide our smiles, but not our giggles!

For more details on phase one of our re-opening , please visit our COVID19 page or contact us .

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Rolling through summer - Marble Art!


By: Jenny K - DSW

We hope that you and your family are finding as many ways as possible to enjoy this unusual Summer of 2020.  Summer is such a wonderful time of year. It is full of wonderful weather, time to relax, and time to have fun.  I am a DSW in Cambridge and we have several kids who like to colour and paint.  Since we are still unable to connect with our KCC Kids in person, I wanted to share with you one of the EASIEST and QUICKEST paint activities I know.  It is one that is always a lot of fun/ This is also one of my favourite PAINT based activities.  It is called Marble Art.  I like it because it allows everyone to create something beautiful, colourful and UNIQUE.

What You Will Need:

The supplies for this activity are few and simple.  All of the supplies in the photo were purchased at a local dollar store.


    • Pick out your favourite colours (between 4 and 10 work best)


    • Construction paper works well (the coloured paper adds to the finished piece)

    • Plain paper for printers also is a good option


    • Must be bigger than the paper

    • Must have tall sides


    • Must fit inside each section of the ice cube tray







Lets Prepare:

First, tie up a line of the string so you will have somewhere to hang your paintings when they are all done.

  1. Along a fence or between trees works well outside

  2. Along a wall or bulletin board if available works well inside

  3. You can also lay them flat on surfaces if they are available


Next, select the colours of paint your wish to use.

Pour some of each paint into one section of the ice cube tray.

  1. Pull out one spoon for each colour.  E.g. if you used red, blue, and pink you would need three separate spoons.

  2. Pull out how many marbles/balls you will need (as with our above example you would need three balls/marbles)

  3. Place the blank paper in the bin

Time to Paint!

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  1. Cover the balls with paint in the tray. Place one marble in each section and then use a spoon to scoop the paint over the enitre marble. .

  2. Carefully place all the balls on the paper inside the tray.

  3. Lift the tray and slowly tilt it all around. Watch as the balls “PAINT”.

  4. One completed, remove and hang your masterpiece, replace with a fresh paper and REPEAT!

The best part of Marble Art is seeing the kids smile as they watch the marbles roll back and forth creating a wonderful picture full of playful lines, and unexpected twists!

Give it a try, and send us some pictures! We would LOVE to see your creations!

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Laughter is the best medicine!

Written by: Nicole H - RPN

Hello Everyone!

All of us here at KCC hope you are all doing well. The staff here, including yours truly, have been missing seeing every last one of you. We hope we can get together soon and party it up KCC style. 

Now, I sat down to write this blog thinking “hmm, what should I write about that would be helpful to our amazing families?” I had written some pieces on things like the effects of blue light but figured the last thing anyone needs right now, is someone rambling on about more medical stuff. So, I thought and thought, and figured you know what I’ve needed as of late? A good laugh! With everything going on, and all the stress, sometimes I need something to help me see the lighter side of things. So, I compiled a couple of jokes that I ‘ve “borrowed” from the internet and I hope that maybe they will make you smile!

  • What has ears but cannot hear? A cornfield.

  • What do you call a droid that takes the long way around? R2 detour

  • What do you call a boomerang that won’t come back? A stick

  • What's the difference between roast beef and pea soup? Anyone can roast beef. 

  • What did the science book say to the math book? Wow, you've got problems. 

  • What do you call a monkey at the North Pole? Lost.

  • What is a pirate's favorite body part? The booty!

And one of my longtime favorites that my husband somehow didn’t know…

  • A man walks into a bar… OUCH!

Hope you had a little smile… at least from some of those. 

Until next time,

Nicole H. - RPN

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KCC Amzon wish list blog picture2.jpg

Hi, my name is Michaela, and I am an RPN who is lucky to work at Kids Country Club, it is a pretty amazing place with some amazing people and kids!

Kids Country Club is an organization that provides extended relief for families of children described as Medically Fragile and/or Technologically Dependent by offering quality care in a home-like setting. We are a place where all children described as Medically Fragile and/or Technologically Dependent receive the care and attention they need, and their families receive the long-term support they deserve. 

Our Values: 

  • Community: We are dedicated to fostering strong community relationships.

  • Inclusion: We embrace children for who they are and treat them with respect and compassion.

  • Personalized Care: We are family-directed and tailor our care to the needs and diversity of each individual child.

  • Fun: We strive to create an environment where children and caregivers enjoy each other’s company and have a great experience.

A local London Facebook group has taken up the mantle to spread a little joy and happiness to people during these unprecedented times through “Amazon Ninja”. To participate, you create a wish list on Amazon and share it with others. People can then choose to pay it forward by purchasing off your Amazon list, which may include a note at the buyer’s discretion, or be sent Anonymous. Kids Country Club has created a wish list to participate, and it contains fun items for our kids to enjoy when they visit, and well as necessities that could support the kids in care.

If you’re interested in seeing our wish list, simply click on the link below.

We truly appreciate each and every one of your donations and your support! Together you help us to make Kids Country Club a wonderful place for our kids to enjoy.  

Thanks, Michaela - RPN


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Check out what we’ve been working on!

We have taken advantage of some of the “downtime” caused by COVID to work on brightening up our homes and adding some fun new elements to our program. The staff have gotten their creative juices flowing by painting new murals at our Cambridge home, and making unique client-specific sensory boxes at our London home. Attached, find a few sneak peeks of some of these updates.

We can’t wait to share these with our kids; it makes us even more excited to re-open! However, until then, please stay healthy and safe. 

Your friends at Kids Country Club.

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Happy Canada Day

By: Jenny K. Kids Country Club, DSW

Welcome to July 2020. The staff at both homes are truly missing our KCC Kids. I was thinking of the things I would love to share and do with the kids if we could magically have some time together. Here is a quick list of thoughts and ideas that I hope might bring a smile to you as we mark Canada Day and the start of our summer.

THE BEAVER: Canada’s National Animal

I have been studying the BEAVER; Canada’s national animal. I found some interesting facts, DID YOU KNOW???

🤔 Canada is home to the largest Beaver Dam in the world? It is located in WOOD BUFFALO National Park in Northern Alberta.

🤔 The Beaver almost became extinct during the early settlement of Canada during the fur trade era. Now, the Beaver lives in EVERY Province of Canada and many parts of the United States.

🤔 A beaver’s front teeth are RED and not WHITE because it has a lot of IRON in the enamel to make them strong enough to chew down trees, to build their homes called DAMS.

As I share these interesting facts with the kids I imagine them enjoying some playtime in water and perhaps blowing some bubbles.


Here are a couple of jokes you might enjoy!

Q. What did the Beaver say to the tree as he was heading home??

A. It was nice GNAWING you

Q. What did the lake say to the kids on the beach??

A. Nothing, it just WAVED


Here is one link, in particular, I really like. The posters they provide are fun, easy to print, and free. These are all great things when looking for something to enjoy and do with those kids of ours that are creative and love to colour.

Last, a poem from us to you …

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Thank-you for your mask donations!

Hello, everyone! We hope you are all staying healthy and well.

Recently, one of our DSW’s (Mimi) was able to pick up some fabric masks made by the sewing group “Sew Be Cause”. We have also received mask donations from the group “Canada Sews”  and one of our own staff members, Andrea.

While our respite program has been temporarily suspended due to COVID19, our staff are still working hard to support our families remotely, and it is because of wonderful people like these that we have been able to stay safe during this crisis. We feel lucky to have such great people within our community who want to help one another out.

From all of the staff at Kids Country Club, we would like to thank everyone for their donations and support during this time. 

Stay safe out there!

Nicole H, RPN

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K.C.C. Kindness Convoy

Due to COVID19, our in-home respite program has been temporarily closed. As you can imagine, we are truly missing our kids and families! So, we decided, if they couldn't visit us then we would visit them... and the KCC Kindness Convoy was born!


Due to COVID19, our in-home respite program has been temporarily suspended. We have been truly missing our kids and families! So, we decided if they couldn't visit us, then we would go and visit them... and the KCC Kindness Convoy was born!

Our team eagerly went to work, creating decorations, making signs, and putting together small care packages. Then, over a 2 week period, we set out on the road to go and visit our families. It was AMAZING to re-connect with so many of the children and families we care about. Together we spread some love and shared some (socially distanced) laughs and smiles.

We are truly honoured to work with such a wonderful team, and to be able to share in the lives of such an amazing group of kids! We can’t wait until we can re-eopen and everyone can come visit us again. However, until then, we hope you all reamin safe, healthy and positive.

Sending BIG virtual Hugs,

The KCC Team

CLICK ON THE PHOTO to watch a short photo compilation from our KCC Kindness Convoy.

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Recently we were approached by a Movement called Love First.  Love First is a not-for-profit, non partisan, non religious movement whose goal is to promote love and acts of kindness.  Love First selected to highlight Kids Country Club on their a weekly show on Rogers Cable, this program highlights local not-for-profits to help encourage support and awareness from the community, we are honored to be part of this wonderful movement.

Please watch and share this wonderful video

Thank you to LOVE FIRST and the London Community Foundation. Please check out the links below to learn more about these amazing organizations.

Love First

London Community Foundation


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Annual Holiday Party

This past Saturday, we had the pleasure of seeing the joy on the faces of the children who were at the annual holiday party graciously put on by Info Tech Research Group.

We arrived to a Moana theme with activity tables set up for the kids.
There were entertainers who got kids and parents alike up to sing and dance along!
Of course, old St Nick himself was there to visit with the kids. 
How magical!
It wasn't just the kids enjoying themselves. 
It was nice to see so many parents reconnecting. 
It was also nice to see kids reconnect with each other.  

Thank you to all those involved in making this annual event so wonderful for our families...including our amazing families! 

Happy Holidays!

May 2018 bring us all much happiness and good health.

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September at KCC

Lots of things going on at KCC in September...

Our Annual General Meeting was held this month at the London home.  It was nice to share our past year’s accomplishments with board, staff and guests.  We look forward to another great year!  

Our Annual General Meeting was held this month at the London home.  It was nice to share our past year’s accomplishments with board, staff and guests.  We look forward to another great year!  


Making apple crisp and apple cake….Sundays are for baking!  Here is the recipe... .

Making apple crisp and apple cake….Sundays are for baking!  Here is the recipe... .

A fun ride on the city bus to the mall ended up with even more excitement!  The mall has an ice pad and there were kids playing hockey so this little guy got to watch.

A fun ride on the city bus to the mall ended up with even more excitement!  The mall has an ice pad and there were kids playing hockey so this little guy got to watch.


When you have a KCC ARTATTACK!  This cutie has quite the talent and this is one of his favourite things to do when he visits.

When you have a KCC ARTATTACK!  This cutie has quite the talent and this is one of his favourite things to do when he visits.

London Home

Part of an adventurous morning was a visit to the local fire department….what an amazing experience for this little guy!  While visiting the firemen, they got a call so he got to see them get ready and head out with lights and sirens.  Fun…

Part of an adventurous morning was a visit to the local fire department….what an amazing experience for this little guy!  While visiting the firemen, they got a call so he got to see them get ready and head out with lights and sirens.  Fun for him but we hope that everyone is ok.  When they all returned to KCC, he participated in a fire drill.  What a great close to the morning.

Wonder what fun October will bring!  :)

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