K.C.C. Kindness Convoy
Due to COVID19, our in-home respite program has been temporarily suspended. We have been truly missing our kids and families! So, we decided if they couldn't visit us, then we would go and visit them... and the KCC Kindness Convoy was born!
Our team eagerly went to work, creating decorations, making signs, and putting together small care packages. Then, over a 2 week period, we set out on the road to go and visit our families. It was AMAZING to re-connect with so many of the children and families we care about. Together we spread some love and shared some (socially distanced) laughs and smiles.
We are truly honoured to work with such a wonderful team, and to be able to share in the lives of such an amazing group of kids! We can’t wait until we can re-eopen and everyone can come visit us again. However, until then, we hope you all reamin safe, healthy and positive.
Sending BIG virtual Hugs,
The KCC Team
CLICK ON THE PHOTO to watch a short photo compilation from our KCC Kindness Convoy.