September at KCC
Lots of things going on at KCC in September...
Our Annual General Meeting was held this month at the London home. It was nice to share our past year’s accomplishments with board, staff and guests. We look forward to another great year!
Making apple crisp and apple cake….Sundays are for baking! Here is the recipe... .
A fun ride on the city bus to the mall ended up with even more excitement! The mall has an ice pad and there were kids playing hockey so this little guy got to watch.
When you have a KCC ARTATTACK! This cutie has quite the talent and this is one of his favourite things to do when he visits.
London Home
Part of an adventurous morning was a visit to the local fire department….what an amazing experience for this little guy! While visiting the firemen, they got a call so he got to see them get ready and head out with lights and sirens. Fun for him but we hope that everyone is ok. When they all returned to KCC, he participated in a fire drill. What a great close to the morning.
Wonder what fun October will bring! :)