By: Michaela Cromwell, RPN


Life is about perspective, choosing to look at the negatives or choosing to look for the positives. In the times that we are living in, trying to see the positives can sometimes be pretty hard. Now more than ever, it’s important to talk about our mental health.

Mental health is a big factor in everyday life, and for some people, it can make the easiest tasks seem like climbing a mountain. According to the Canadian Mental Health Association, 38% of Canadians say their mental health has declined due to COVID-19.

We don’t want you to be a statistic. We’re here to listen and help, and there are many different resources available to you.

I never thought that I personally would have to figure out how to cope in a pandemic. And, while I could focus on everything that it has taken away from me, I am choosing to look on the bright side. Adventures that were planned were cancelled, but there will always be time for another adventure. I’ve learned how to grocery shop and meal prep better since I didn’t want to have to deal with the grocery stores if I missed ordering an ingredient. I’ve also learned how to appreciate what I have more, and that you can find just about anything to make a DIY project at the Dollar store! All of these new things and my DIY projects, have helped me to get through the craziness that has resulted from the pandemic.

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Even though we are still in the middle of a pandemic one day it will end, and we will be able to say how it taught us so much!

“Though the storm may be rough, it will end and the sun will shine”

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On January 28th it’s Bell Let's Talk Day. Since 2010-2021 Bell Let’s Talk initiatives have provided the knowledge and/or tools necessary to reach 4,422,134 Canadians with access to mental health services.

It is so important to look after yourself, both mentally and physically, and there are many different things you can do to practice self-care.

Bell Lets Talk has created a fun activity sheet below, that can help you get started.

To visit Bell Let’s talk for resources and information CLICK HERE

To visit Bell Let’s talk for resources and information CLICK HERE

Please take care of yourself! You matter, and we care!

Your friends at Kids Country Club.


Let’s Calm Down


Family Support: New ways we can help!