Kids Country Club

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Balancing Needs

Hello, welcome, good day/evening. Hope you are all doing well in this continued pandemic. For myself, I am currently in a place of too much to do, not knowing what to do, and not wanting to do anything. It’s quite the paradox. If my life was one of those stupidly long Fall Out Boy song names it would be something like “I have too much on my plate but here I am doing nothing.” It would flop immediately, much like I do into my bed after a night shift. 

I know I’ve said it before, but that was before the spring snowfall (how Canadian of a saying is that) but the weather perking up really makes me want to do things. I even tried gardening! Spent like 50 odd bucks, planted all my pretty stuff, and the next day it snowed. So as you can see, I am totally winning in that area of my life. Nevertheless, my pursuit of doing things wasn’t about to end. I finally took the time to actually clean my barbeque. Which, serious question, has anyone been able to get one of those wood scrapers to actually work? I have one, and it doesn’t do squat; hence the need to clean. When I got a barbeque, I was so concerned with the conventional metal scrapers with shards being found in food (even though I grew up on BBQ at home and never had an issue) that I went the wood route and have regretted it since. 

 Now while I do my gardening and random cleaning of my barbeque, I have piles of laundry progressively turning into mountains. At one point they were these little hills, now I feel I may need a sherpa to conquer them. But during this whole pandemic, I have found myself in a multitude of different headspaces. One thing I have had to come to is the varying levels of what I need. Yes, I know I will need to do my laundry, but at the moment my mind is saying “No, you go outside and get some vitamin D. Now go trim the grass with the kitchen scissors for all I care.” And you know what, I felt better in the long run by being outside and taking that time for something that while it may not be as practical of a need, it was still something I needed.

 So get outdoors or organize your loose screw bits by style (yes I did that too). Take some time for you and if the laundry is still gnawing at you, try putting a load in before bed and dry it in the morning. Step by step it will all get done. And worst-case scenario, you can wear your clothes inside out and tell the kids it’s Backwards Day.