Kids Country Club

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Enjoy The Summer Moments

Despite all that has been going on, we hope you have had a chance to get outside and enjoy some of the relaxing, simplicty of summer. One of our Cambridge DSW’s, Jenny Kuspira, wanted to share a few of her summer moments.


SUMMER in Ontario (Acrostic poem) - By: Jenny Kuspira

S - unshine hot and strong during the day, kisses my skin and helps the flowers grow

U - ntil dinner time, when we eat by the fire and roast many a marshmallow

M - otorbikes roar like thunder across the highways, streets & dirt roads 

M - usic in the ponds come from the songs of the ducks, crickets and toads

E  - veryone you meet has a towel over their shoulder and flip flops on their feet

R - evel in this Ontario, Summer scene, even from a distance, what a magical treat 

My Summer Moment - By: Jenny Kuspira

 The buzz of the bee catches my ear

 The whistling of the winds are crisp and clear

 The crunch of gravel under tires and feet

 The Thump, Thump, Thump, I feel the pulse of my heartbeat

 The parade of petals, tall grass and rocks in the garden fill my eyes

 The perfumes float like ghosts to tickle my nose and my insides

This is a magical summer minute in time

This is my private paradise, this summer moment is mine.



  • What creature is smarter than a talking parrot?

    • A spelling bee!

  • Why did the banana go to the hospital?

    • It was not PEELING very well.

  • Why did the ice cream take karate lessons?

    • It was tired of getting licked.

  • Why was the music teacher not able to open his classroom?

    • Because his keys were on the piano